Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 5 - Corner connector

Branching out from my kid's toybox, I ventured out into the garage to find interestingly shaped objects. Here is something my wife pulled off of an old TV stand (that she subsequently made into a toy kitchen for our kid - she's cool like that). Forget the name of these, but lets you screw two things together at a 90 degree angle.
So, pretty straight forward. I slice a cube at 45 degrees, and I subtract a scaled copy from itself. Two cylinders and a cube are subtracted to make the slits.
module corner_part() {
  difference() {
    translate([25,0,0]) rotate([0, -45, 0]) cube(50);  

module corner() {
  difference() {
    translate([2, (25-(25*0.8))/2, 2]) scale([1, 0.8, 1]) corner_part();

difference() {
  translate([10, 12.5, 0]) slot();
  rotate([0, -90, 0]) translate([10, 12.5, -3]) slot();

module slot() {
  linear_extrude(height = 20) {
    union() {
      circle(2.5, $fn = 50);
      translate([5, 0, 0]) circle(2.5, $fn = 50);
      translate([0, 0-2.5, 0]) scale([1, 1, 1]) square(5);    

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